TOY KINGS ARRIVES Marx Toy Kings Volume 1: 1919 - 1964 has arrived and is now shipping ahead of schedule in deluxe hard cover to collectors across the United States as the first real book on Louis Marx, the company, and the development of the Marx playset from its earliest days complete with all the juicy details you have always wondered about! Lush, full color throughout, lavishly illustrated.
Here is what our immediate customers are saying about it, including Marx family member (and former Advertising Director for the firm during the heyday of the playset) Charles Marx! (These testimonials are followed by a complete summary of the book itself):
"I send you thanks, in more ways than my vocabulary is capable, when the Marx Toy-Quaker Oats demise occurred, I believed the “sands of time” buried Louis Marx & Co....In “Playset Magazine”, great DVD’s/Videos, and now, the fantastic MARX TOY KINGS: VOLUME ONE, today, the company lives on, and is alive and well. A specific thank you for the lovely inscription in the book you sent. We’re preparing our family”s Christmas list, and you have made shopping for them very easy!"
Charles Marx
Marx Toy Kings Volume One and Volume Two Available Now!

"Oh boy, what a book. I sure have been absorbing "Marx: Toy Kings Volume I: 1919 - 1954". For me, it is just what I've been praying for, a history of the "World's Largest Toy Maker". You are the only one I can think of who could have done this monumental task justice. I'm sorry that many of the those wonderful people are not around to read your words, and realize just how much their finished product meant to the lucky kids who owned them. I believe they must have loved their work, because they put so much into it. A special blessing on both of you, for presenting for all the children who played with the toys made by Marx, an opportunity to read the history of the men and women who made all that enjoyment possible." - Bill Cable
I received my copy of Vol. 1 of Marx: Toy Kings. In two nights I read it cover to cover, not being able to put it down. Having read every issue of PFPC and PM many times, I thought I was already well-informed , but I was astounded at how much new information was revealed. A truly outstanding book. I salute you on a fantastic effort on every level. Having watched the TV program Mad Men, I could not help but think of the show when reading about the Marx office at work. Not a totally similar situation, but enough to recall a common era. More to the point, the book was excellent, and I ca't wait to read the next volume. Regards, - JOHN TITONE, Burlington NJ
After ten years of research and interviews, Rusty Kern, publisher of Playset Magazine brings the full story of Louis Marx and Company to the page in an exciting, profusely illustrated glossy hard cover book. Volume 1 finds a young Louis Marx clawing his way to the top of the toy industry, battling the competition to produce what he calls the "Red Hot Hit." Through luck and intuition he hires exactly the right men to form a team which invents and produces the playset which becomes the favorite toy of baby boomers -- its genius is in combining plastic figures of Army men, cowboys and Indians or Colonial Troops with appropriately scaled accessories such as horses, cannon, tanks and forts, trees and more into one box. The book shows for the first time personal records and memos from the scrapbooks of Louis Marx and is the undisputed final word in the story of the company because it is in the words of the men who lived it, his original historic legends, the Marx Men themselves. Volume 1 takes you for the first time in book form into the legendary halls of Marx to see how the playset was developed; how Louis Marx sold them to sears to become his greatest Red Hot Hit, and how he refused to use advertising to manipulate a child's desires. However his competition has no such concerns and are surging into kid's living rooms as the age of television advertising booms. This will be Louis' greatest battle, even as his team is producing their greatest creations ever. |
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