Playset Magazine
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Issue 62 - Remco's Fabulous Whirlybird

Playset Magazine

A fun-packed issue filled with color and information!

For the thrill of big Battery Ops of the 60's combined with the sensation of flying, nothing can quite top Remco's Whirlybird with its two giant whirling propellers overheard while the built-in chop-chop sound causes a total racket and wheels turning like a puppy lifted helplessly out of the water.The real helicopter Remco's is based on is seen in many an exciting movie scene, like "Flight from Ashiya", "X-15" and many others. This 3' long inferno of noise and motion was a longtime favorite of kids lasting from 1960 to 65, and those odd variation derivatives that came just as the British Invasion took over the airwaves are here too.

Part of the appeal is the "20 Man Army" included to complete the set. You got vehicles including a tank, and soldiers -- Hey - aren't those Marx figures? in a Remco set? The answer is no -- Payton cloned them, and we have the answer in how they got away with "stealing" Marx figures in the story entitled, "How Payton Got Away with Stealing from Marx" right here as a bonus feature in this issue!

Results are IN on the Serious Toyz auction too!

Shown: Marx Firehouse
Playset Features

Featured are big stories on the Marx Walt Disney Television Playhouse set, and a story on the last Fort Dearborn playset, missing since last issue. Here's an update on that mysterious prototype fisherman, the results of the Serious Toyz auction are in (how much did that mint Fire House go for?)

More - Louis Marx Jr Appears!

Kathy brings you a beautiful, deliciously colorful story on the Marx Toy Museum coming of age in a 501(c) world in her" My Side column". Jason Turner provided photos and commentary on this, the first collecting/public appearance of none other than Louis Marx Jr., son of the Toy King -- Louis Marx! You'll see first pix right here as Louis learns more about his fathers' remarkable accomplishments!

Inside the Marx Museum. That's George Kroll center and Bob Jones at left, both long time PMers (and both in ball caps!).

Along with My Side we get back a bit to our roots with a Marx Memory, and there are short pieces on Marx Moonshot Rocket, a radiator mounted Roy Rogers playset, and the new Robin Hood figures released by Heritage Line.

It all gets shipped right to your doorstep February 25th. Standard rate takes a bit longer but its worth it!

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