- Kern, R. & Kern, K. (2019). Fort Apache The King of Playsets: The order of Indians in the lists on p. 38 and p. 52, and their order in the attending photo, is different. Also, we show but did not list Climbing with Rifle & Tomahawk.
- Kern, R. & Kern, K. (2018). Marx Civil War Playsets: We list the correct 2 sets of Confederates but incorrectly total the “Running in brim hat w/ rifle in right hand” at 3, not the correct 6 Confederates. There are 3 per mold shot, 2 mold shots in the set. So correct figure count for first series Confederates is (6) rather than (3) on pages 41, 59 and 95.
- Kern, R. & Kern, K. (2019). Marx Alamo Playsets: p. 85: Correct wall count is 4 punched walls and 4 un-punched rather than 6 total.
- Kern, R. & Kern, K. (2019). Fort Apache The King of Playsets:
p. 38 & p. 52. A photo shows 8 Skinny Indians in Tan, but only seven are itemized in the list; add: 1 Climbing with knife and tomahawk.
- Kern, R. & Kern, K. (2019). p. 49 Combat & Battleground Sets: In the chapter on Marine Beachhead, we mention a 4731 Series 500. We now confirm it has 4 sets of figures (2 Marines 2 GIs), a 155 mm howitzer, palm trees, the Atoll, but none of the other exclusives.